Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The first of many!

Greetings my Acolytes! Welcome to the Black Mage Temple! This is my first blog and I am really excited to get started. Not 100% sure what I want this blog to be about but have no fear I will figure it out. I can assure you though it will be full of awesome and for all of you that follow in the dark arts of Black Magic be sure to take notes cause this is gonna be Epic!  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


  1. damn right its gonna get epic.


  2. There is no try, do or do not. I'm just fuckin with you certainly there is a try.

  3. Awesome start to your blog! Looking forward to more posts!

  4. HAHA full of epic, can't wait!!! Best of luck looking forward to the rest of your posts.
